Froedtert Hospital

Froedtert Hospital, located in Milwaukee, Wis., is a nationally ranked academic medical center offering state-of-the-art care, specialized treatment plan and the region's only adult Level I Trauma Center.
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The Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin Hospital is a nationally ranked academic medical center offering state-of-the-art care and specialized treatment plans. Located in Milwaukee, Wis., Froedtert Hospital operates the region’s only adult Level I Trauma Center, providing the highest level of specialty expertise. Froedtert Hospital provides services for cancer, vision, heart, transplant, neuroscience, orthopaedics, pregnancy and birth, and more, including a 24 hours a day, seven days a week emergency department and pharmacy. Our health network believes that prevention, early detection and disease management are proven not only to reduce health care costs for patients, but more importantly improve health and quality of life.


Hospital, Emergency Room, Specialty Care, Cancer Care, Pregnancy, Birth Center, Neuroscience, Orthopaedics, Heart and Vascular, Pharmacy, Pain Management, Academic Medical Center, Trauma Center, Surgery

Hours of Operation
Open 24 hours

Languages Spoken
English, Spanish

Payment Options
MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover